Software - Applications

All the files are packed into ZIP archives. You can unpack them with David Pilling's !SparkPlug (if you don't have !SparkFS itself).

I don't give any guarantee for usefulness and reliability. Downloading and using any of the applications is totally at your own risk.

If you do however have any comments, suggestions or found any bugs, don't hesitate to contact me by clicking on the email address in the page footer.

Remember though, all of the following programs have been written to suit my needs. So they may or may not be useful to you. ;-)



Version: 1.01
Updated: 21-Apr-2002
32-bit ready: yes
Download: Binary (83K) / Signature
!LLearner is used to train foreign vocabulary. It does this by asking you words you have problems with more frequent than words you already know by heart. So the success of learning is very good. And you won't get asked always the same words you know already. It's very useful concerning marks at school! ;-)

Version: 1.07
Updated: 31-Dec-2002
32-bit ready: yes
Download: Binary (17K) / Signature
!SpellChck is a spell checker that is able to get trained every language. You may maintain different dictionaries and combine them as you like. It is not very fast and dictionaries tend to get large, but after all, it works.

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Stefan Bellon (), 19-Jan-2019